I don't do New Year's resolutions as I believe that in making them most people are merely setting themselves up to fail. I like to tell people that I made one resolution many years ago and have never broken it! I resolved never to make another New Year's resolution and I'm not going to break that now.
However, what I am planning to do in 2009 is to get back on my mountain bike and spend a whole lot more time on it. The second half of '08 saw me spending more and more time on the road bike which was great for base fitness and it has been a lot of fun. It's also been a great way to meet a different set of cyclists. But, and it's a big but, the MTB is far more fun and a lot more important right now. With less than three months to the start of the Epic, it's time to crack on and be a lot more diligent in my training. This week has been really motivating for me as I've managed two long MTB rides of almost 10 hours that I would otherwise have done on the road bike.
Anyway, the point of this post was to wish you all a Very Happy New Year! To those riding in the Epic, I hope it turns out to be all you hope for and more!
Time to move on…
2 weeks ago
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