Being new to this training lark, I'm not always sure what to expect, So I was quite shocked after Sunday's ride when I just felt flat and like I had no fuel in the tank. To compound my frustration about this the first half of this week felt a bit like the wheels were coming off. I know this isn't really possible (barring something major) but with a few missed rides and the hours simply not being clocked up I was wondering where the week was heading. I managed to ride on Wed with the local bike shop but it wasn't a great ride as we were baby sitting a group of Dutch guys on a cycling holiday. Some of them were quite fit and were up for a challenge on the hills but they mostly backed off after the first couple of hours. The ride was also very stop start as we had to wait for a straggler or two. Having planned to have ridden 10 hours by today I was left wondering where I would be able to make up the hours.
This morning my alarm went off at 5am and my body was telling me to switch it off and go back to sleep. Somehow I managed to get up and sort myself out and drove to Mooiberge (I'm trying to vary my early morning riding routine for safety reasons). I then sat in the bakkie for ten minutes trying to convince myself to get out and ride in the rain. Yep it rained, not something we normally expect in summer! It wasn't Jo'burg type rain, more a steady drizzle but it was still very wet. Anyway I eventually got on the bike and within five minutes was really happy I'd made the effort. I rode to Jonkers' had a lot of fun on the wet and slippery single track and then returned to Mooiberge absolutely drenched but very happy! It wasn't raining in Jonkers so much as the place was smothered in low cloud which made the riding interesting at times!
So the wheels are not coming off and this morning's ride was shorter in time but a good high quality ride which is what I'm aiming for now. I'm also looking forward to making up those missing hours over what remains of the week!
As I said, I'm new to this training lark, having never trained for anything before in my life, so I'm drawing on the advice offered (of which there is plenty) whilst also making a certain amount of it up as I go along. I look forward to seeing how it all works out at the big event.
Time to move on…
2 weeks ago
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